Para os nossos fãs mais distraídos, os Desbundixie já atingiram uma dimensão internacional, e a prova disso é uma crítica que foi feita no Reino Unido, na Radio Jazz ("Hot Jazz Channel").
Aqui fica a crítica ao album "Kick'n Blow"..
"This is a young Portuguese band playing in the New Orleans - Dixieland tradition with verve and polish.They are all good musicians and this collection of fourteen tracks is a pleasing mixture of old jazz standards and classic pop songs like When You’re Smiling. It all makes for pleasing listening but I get the impression at times that they’re slightly scared of the music - or the tradition maybe and need to let their musical hair down a little. Let it all hang out. Maybe they were daunted by being a studio for this recording and are more exciting live. You can get amore full taste of that the band sounds like by going to their “MySpace” web area - this is the address -"
Podem consultar esta notícia neste link na página 6:
Saudações Desbundixieanas para todo o Mundo...
Até já(zz)
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